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Cochlear implants for young people

Young person implant programme

Welcome to the Midlands Hearing Implant Programme (MHIP) - Young Person Programme.

We are based in Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham's Audiology Centre, Nuffield house.

We can give you advice on:

  • moving on to further Education
  • technology
  • looking after your equipment
  • starting work
  • communication – like interviews or using the phone

If you want to find out more, get in touch.

Transferring to the young person programme

The paediatric programme looked after your implant from 0 to 15 years old. MHIP will take over the care of your implant before you start year 11. This is a time of change. The good news is, we are here to help you!

  • we will send you a welcome pack with some information about us.
  • we will offer you an appointment.
  • at your appointment, we will check your implant, get to know more about you, and tell you everything you need to know about MHIP:
    • you can come to appointments on your own, or with a family member, friend or carer.
  • we do not ask you to come back for yearly check-ups if you don’t need to (this is different to the children’s programme).
  • whenever you think you need to see us, contact us* to book an appointment, or use remote check.

Getting an implant as a teenager

Your Audiologist or Doctor can ask MHIP to see you for an implant assessment, if you are older than 15. You will be seen by the adult implant team, at Nuffield house. Thinking about having a cochlear implant can be a big step.                    

You can still be considered for a cochlear implant if your hearing is outside of (better than) the adult criteria, if you are under 19 years old.

Cochlear implant assessments for teenagers

It is best to come to your appointments with a relative, friend or carer. There is a lot of information, and having support can be useful.

When you are referred to us, The Cochlear Implant Assessment Process is the same as for an adult. Coming to an appointment to get more information does not mean you have to have an implant.

Equipment and technology

Most cochlear implants have a choice of wireless equipment and apps to support your listening experience.

The rehab team can guide you through the technology and equipment available.

The most common ones at MHIP are:

Support and links for teens and young adults

National Deaf Children’s society (NDCS) is a brilliant organisation supporting under 18s with hearing impairment, and their families.

NDCS has information on:

  • education and financial support
  • statutory assessments and statements of special educational needs.
  • parental guides Education, Health and Care needs assessments and EHC Plans
  • access arrangements for your exams
  • appealing a Disability Living Allowance (DLA) or Personal Independence (PIP) decision (England, Scotland and Wales)
  • appealing against a decision by the First-tier tribunal

College and University

Student Support Services - can give you support from specialist staff. They can advise and give funding for equipment. Universities and Colleges have their own Student Support services teams.

You can apply for a Disabled Student allowances (DSAto help cover some of the costs you may have because of your hearing. 


Last reviewed 04 September 2024