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Request access to health records

The right of access, commonly referred to as subject access, gives you the right to obtain access to personal information held about you under the Data Protection Act.

You can request access to your personal information or make a request on behalf of someone else.

Requesting access via email

Please send your request to our access to health records email address.

Requesting access via post

If you do not have email access or do not wish you send your request via email, you can write to us.

Subject Access Team
Lincoln House Basement
Birmingham Heartlands Hospital
Bordesley Green East
B9 5SS

After you make a request

We will contact you if we need to clarify further details or if we need you to provide further information in order for your request to be progressed.

Please see our privacy notices or the Information Commissioner’s Office website for further information on your rights under data protection law.

Last reviewed 16 May 2024