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Strategic aims

Standardisation of best practice

  • Patients to receive same high standard of care wherever accessed in hospitals or community sites
  • Clinical and professional standards, policies, practices, performance and outcome measures to be standardised across sites
  • Standardisation on the basis of "levelling up to the best", not "meeting in the middle"

Clinical service planning across all sites

  • Cross-site service planning now our normal way of working
  • Changes prioritised based on safety, quality, patient experience and sustainability
  • Changes will not close any of our emergency departments, hospitals, or reduce beds or clinical staff
  • Increasing convergence of divisional planning and management across all sites. In time, there will be a single clinical service plan for each specialty

Development and roll-out of IT systems

  • Oceano PAS, PICS, and Clinical Portal to be rolled out to Heartlands, Good Hope and Solihull hospitals as soon as possible
  • Rapid progress in new technologies, including video clinics and emerging AI diagnostics
  • "Digital first" approach where it can increase efficiency and patient and staff convenience

Making the best use of the hospital estate

  • Investment priority in ambulatory care and diagnostics at Heartlands Hospital (by 2021)
  • Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham site will benefit from specialist hospital facility from 2021
  • For all sites, aim to maximise space used for clinical purposes over non-clinical
  • More lower acuity, outpatient and non-clinical services delivered in community or virtual settings

Planning and supporting our workforce

  • Specialty workforce plans and recruitment to come together across sites
  • Opportunity for rotation to broaden skills or meet the needs of their service
  • Terms, conditions and roles harmonised across sites in consultation with Staff Side
  • We will redouble our efforts to promote staff health and well-being using staff survey data
  • We will expand employment opportunities for apprentices and through the Learning Hub

Working with our partners

  • We will work more closely with our partners to solve our common problems
  • We will welcome business cases that demonstrate robust planning with provider partners
  • We will seek continuous improvement programmes (CIPs) that improve quality and save (not just shift) costs for the system overall

Last reviewed 08 May 2024